Church of the Loving Shepherd at Bournelyf invites you to participate in our welcoming and inclusive community where everyone is encouraged to continue on the path of spiritual and personal growth.

Regular Worship  - Bible 101 - Book Club - Choir and Opportunities to Sing the Psalms -
Food Ministry - Friends on the Journey - Grounds Days - Labyrinth Walks



Regular Worship

We worship at 10 AM each Sunday

Eucharist on the first Sunday of each month

Prayers for Healing on the last Sunday of each month

Midweek Prayers on Wednesdays at 11 AM

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book club

Reading both fiction and non-fiction with a wide range of topics, we meet via Zoom at 7:00 PM one Monday a month and enjoy discussions that are open- ended and lively. The group chooses books by consensus. Check “Light Matters” or the Sunday Church Announcements for book titles and dates. All are welcome to join the conversation whenever schedules permit.

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choir and Opportunities to Sing the Psalms

If you are interested in singing with our Psalm Choir or accompanying psalms at the piano, please speak to Kathleen.

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Once each month volunteers meet in the Barn Pantry at Church of the Loving Shepherd to pack and deliver bags of fresh produce, eggs, non-perishable foods, paper products and Senior Boxes for 47 families in the West Chester area.  It is our hope and intention to offer food support and ease the burden of food insecurity for these families as much as we are able. New volunteers are always welcome and needed. 

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Friends on the journey

Friends is a spiritual sharing group that offers a time of conversation and communion with one another and ourselves for the purpose of deepening our spiritual lives in a secular world. We meet beginning in September and ending before Memorial Day. During Lent, the Friends meet every Thursday. Meeting dates and discussion topics are published in the Sunday inserts, Light Matters and on the Loving Shepherd website calendar. A self-directed group, we choose the topics for discussion.  From time to time, we select a book to read as a group. Questions, personal experiences and a great deal of laughter enrich our discussions.  Wherever you are on the journey, you are welcome!

Thursdays monthly and every Thursday of Lent at 7:15 PM on Zoom

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Grounds Day

Work with Loving Shepherd members and visiting teens to care for the grounds at Bournelyf.  Lend a hand in maintaining and enhancing the sacred beauty of our church surroundings.  No experience needed!

One Saturday a month, March—December, 9 AM to Noon, Lunch until 1 PM



Labyrinth Walks

Bournelyf is privileged to be the home of both an indoor and an outdoor labyrinth.  During facilitated walks, participants are taught what a labyrinth is, invited to experience a labyrinth, and invited to connect with new friends as the labyrinth reminds us that though we are at different places on the journey, we are each seeking one center. Trained and certified facilitators lead organized walks, however we welcome visitors to make use of the outdoor labyrinth at any time. We do request walkers to observe CDC guidelines regarding masks and social distancing at present.